Sunday, November 3, 2013


            Forget about all the trouble ObamaCare is having with its website.   The fact is ObamaCare is bound to be a raging success.  The computer problems will be fixed eventually, and enrollments will come pouring in.  Sure there will other problems with people facing increased premiums and higher deductibles.  But it's all part of the plan.  You see, those who are calling ObamaCare a train wreck are ignoring the program's real goal: votes.  And, as we all know, votes equal power.  And unlimited power in the hands of government leads to tyranny.
            How will ObamaCare produce votes?  With one simple method called subsidies.  We've already heard that most people who have managed to get through the tangle of the ObamaCare website have learned that they are eligible for Medicaid.  Eligibility for Medicaid has been raised to 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).  A family of four with an income of $31,155 or less can now get free medical care with Medicaid.  All these new Medicaid enrollees are sure to vote Democratic in gratitude.
            But what if you make more than 138% of the FPL?  Not to worry.  You can make up to 250% of the FPL (almost $59,000) and get a subsidy from the federal government to help pay for your increased premiums.  That's on a sliding scale, of course, but free money is free money.  Add these people to the list of likely Democratic voters.
            Incredibly, you can earn up to 400% of the FPL and get a subsidy from the government called an advance premium tax credit.   It's kind of hard to explain how it works, but the point is that just about anybody earning under $95,000 a year gets free money to offset the cost of health insurance under ObamaCare.  More grateful voters.
            Now, does President Obama and his Progressive entourage really care about the poor?  Nonsense.  When the president and his wife spend millions of taxpayer dollars on themselves every year to live like royalty, do they display any affinity for the poor?  On the contrary, the real object of Obama's ideology is to destroy capitalism and replace it with a Socialist form of government that redistributes wealth and creates an underclass of citizens dependent on government.  Grateful voters, all.
            ObamaCare , with control of one sixth of the economy, is the key to the Progressives' permanent takeover of this country.  The only way to stop ObamaCare is to defeat every politician who voted for it.  Otherwise, if you want a glimpse of the future, they're playing previews of coming attractions in Cuba.


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