Monday, April 7, 2014

A bunch of Shameless Liars

               The mendacity of this administration and its sycophants in Congress knows no bounds, nor does its hypocrisy.  And both are motivated by politics.
               Take just one small example.  On April 4th President Obama issued another of his famous executive orders to “make sure” (a favorite expression of his that masquerades as leadership) that women get paid the same as men when working in comparable jobs.  The announcement did not mention that women working in the White House have been getting paid up to 18% less than men for years.  There may be legitimate reasons for this disparity, but they apply equally to the working population at large.  Actually, there was no need for Obama’s executive order, since pay discrimination based on sex was outlawed by the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act that he signed into law in 2009.  So why the need for the executive order?  Politics, pure and simple: the Democrats need to shore up their base for the upcoming elections, and anything that may sway women voters is good politics.
               Earlier this month we got a much bigger example of political mendacity when we heard from Mike Morrell, a key witness in the Benghazi affair.   We now know that Mr. Morrell, who was the acting director of the CIA at the time of the Benghazi murders, is the one who changed the talking points that Susan Rice used to blame the Benghazi attacks on a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Islamic video.  He also excised from the talking points the mention of al Qaida’s involvement at a time when President Obama was taking credit for al Qaida’s downfall.  It is now clear that Morrell, who knew the truth about the assault, crafted his bald-faced lies to protect the president who was facing re-election. 
               Curiously, it just so happens that when Morrell left the CIA, he went to work for Beacon Global Strategies, a think tank supporting Hillary Clinton. The former Secretary of State, we all remember, accepted responsibility for the lack of security at our Benghazi compound and also lied publicly and to the families of the deceased about the nature of the attacks.   But, according to her, “What difference does it make?”
               Mendacity and hypocrisy, not to mention cynicism, obfuscation, and imperial arrogance, have been the hallmark of this administration. These people are congenitally incapable of shame.


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