Saturday, June 28, 2014

King Obama Is Upset

          Comedic genius Mel Brooks turned 88 last week.  I remember him mostly for “Blazing Saddles” and “History of the World—Part 1.”  There is a scene in the latter in which Brooks, playing the part of a French monarch, fondles a female attendant and then, looking straight at the camera, boasts, “It’s good to be king.”  Barack Obama, who waved from the steps of Air Force One as he prepared to fly off to his next golf game while Iraq burned, could have played the part.        
          But it’s not quite working out for King Barack.  He’s upset that he isn’t getting his way.  In a Minneapolis speech last week he accused his opponents of failing to “do anything except block me and call me names.”
          Well, the last part is true.  Colonel Ralph Peters exploded on Bill O’Reilly’s show when he called the president a liar and a coward for not taking action in Iraq.  Michael Savage went even further by saying that Obama was insane.  Over the top?  Sure.  But understandable under the circumstances.  Frustration with Obama’s failed leadership does get some people’s blood boiling.
          As for blocking the president, his opponents in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives have every reason to persist in their intransigence.  Obama’s logic in pushing for a hike in the minimum wage, for example, has been consistently refuted; it’s a bad idea that will hurt business and cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. 
          Obama wants comprehensive immigration reform that would lead to amnesty for illegals, yet he has done nothing to protect our borders from the swarm of “undocumented aliens” who invade our country every day.  Worse, he has released criminals from our jails, halted deportations, and virtually invited Central American countries to overwhelm our border agents with their unwanted children.
          On the energy front he has waged war on coal, prevented offshore drilling in Alaska, encouraged the EPA to find ways to prevent oil and gas production using fracking, and blocked the Keystone pipeline.  America has enough resources in the ground to become energy independent, but the president prefers to squander billions of taxpayer funds on eagle-killing windmills and renewable energy failures like Solyndra. 
          Worst of all, President Obama has repeatedly failed to execute his sworn duty to uphold the laws of the land.  He ignores or changes the ones he doesn’t like and arrogates to himself, through executive decrees, the legislative power that our Constitution assigns exclusively to Congress.  When Republicans announce that they will take action to stop this usurpation of power, Obama cries out like a bullied child, “They’ve decided to sue me for doing my job.”  Excuse me, Mr. President.  They’re suing you for doing their job, not yours.  Your job is to follow the law, not make it.
          Unlike Mel Brooks, you cannot act like a king, Mr. President.  Americans dumped their last king in 1776 and they don’t want another one.

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