Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Surprise, Surprise!

          It’s absolutely amazing, and sad, to see President Obama’s world collapsing around him.  Scandal after scandal, crisis after crisis, just when we think we’ve seen it all, another one pops up.  Surprised by most, the president appears incapable of dealing with any.
          Take Iraq, for instance.  The country was at peace when Obama moved into the White House.  All he had to do was negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement with Baghdad to maintain a small but meaningful military presence in the country to keep the peace and give Iraq the time to build a functioning democracy.  But he failed.  Instead, he pulled all of our troops out of Iraq.  The result was predictable: jihadists are back in full force and threaten to overtake the country.  Yet, as late as his May 28 speech at West Point, Obama claimed that his decision had been correct. 
          To someone as naïve as the president, the invasion by the ISIS terrorist army must have come as a complete surprise.  Now he is faced with a choice of either an emergency military intervention or doing nothing.  Incredibly, news reports have him talking to Iran, our avowed enemy, about what to do.   Now that’s what I call bold action from the leader of the free world.
          At home we have another IRS bombshell, the revelation that two years of Lois Lerner e-mails have been lost because her computer crashed.  “Mom, the dog ate my homework!”  This claim is so ridiculous, even liberal journalists won’t defend it.  It is clear to everyone that the IRS simply won’t give Congress the subpoenaed e-mails, no matter what.  With Lerner having taken the Fifth, this is a further indication that her e-mails likely would implicate the White House in this scandal.  But computer experts tell us that those e-mails are retrievable from backup systems required by law.  If it turns out that the e-mails were removed from those systems, someone should go to jail. 
          Will we ever uncover the truth?  Considering this administration’s record of cover-ups, obstruction, and outright lies, we shouldn’t bet on it.


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