Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Calling Emile Zola

          On January 13, 1898, the Paris daily newspaper l’Aurore published on its front page a letter from writer Emile Zola to the president of France.  At the top of the page, in bold type, were the words “J’Accuse…”  Zola was expressing his outrage in the most forceful terms at France’s anti-Semitism in the Alfred Dreyfus affair.  I wish we had an Emile Zola in this country today to express outrage at President Obama’s treason.
          Treason is defined in part as giving aid and comfort to the enemy, and Obama, in my opinion, is guilty of it.
          The enemy is radical Islam.  It has declared itself to be an enemy of the West and most specifically of the United States, as it has repeatedly made clear its intent to kill us all and to impose its extreme ideology on the world.  It has waged war on us for two decades, beginning with the 1993 assault on the World Trade Center that killed six people and injured 1,000.  The list of atrocities perpetrated since then by Islamic radicals is well documented and too long to fit in this space.  Yet, President Obama refuses to acknowledge the true nature of the enemy.  He can’t even bring himself to pronounce the words “Islamic” in identifying the extremists who are waging war against us.  This alone gives comfort to the enemy.  But there’s more, much more.
          Obama once famously declared that “Osama bin Laden is dead, and al-Qaeda is on the run.”  The events in Benghazi, Egypt, Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Yemen have proven him wrong.  Even worse, ISIL filled the void left by Obama’s refusal to leave a residual force in Iraq and is now controlling most of Iraq and Syria. 
          The President’s Red Line retreat in Syria and his No-Boots-on- the-Ground policy in Iraq give further comfort to the enemy in the knowledge that this weak opponent poses no real threat.  Indeed, we have pulled out of Afghanistan, ignored Boko Haram, and limited our actions to pinpricks against ISIL in Iraq and Syria.  Radical Islam is winning, and a cowardly President Obama has chosen not to put up a serious fight.
          Guantanamo Bay is further evidence of the president’s hubris.  He promised to close it and he will, even if it means giving aid to the enemy, as he did in trading one deserter for five top al Qaeda prisoners, and then forbidding the Pentagon from releasing its report on the Bergdahl investigation.  To add to that insult, the president chose to release five more Yemeni detainees from Guantanamo following the Paris murders, knowing full well that 30% of prisoners released from Guantanamo have returned to the fight against us.  And he did this after declining to join over 40 world leaders in their showing of solidarity against Islamic terrorism.
          The first duty of the President of the United States is to protect Americans from its enemies at home and abroad.  In giving aid and comfort to the enemy Barack Obama is failing miserably in discharging this duty.  His dereliction is more than hubris.  It is more than cowardice.  It is treason.
          If only Emile Zola were alive today.

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