Thursday, January 22, 2015

Republican Racists

          In his January 21st letter to the Perquimans Weekly editor, Jerry Gill puts his finger on what really ails this country: Republicans are all racists. They oppose every one of President Obama’s policies because he is black. What brilliant insight!
          Of course, it’s not just Republicans: judging from the last elections, it’s the majority of Americans. If only the man in the White House were white, we would be cheering his every move. We would tolerate scandals in the IRS, the VA, the GSA, and the Justice Department; we would agree with the President’s unconstitutional executive orders; we would willingly give up our doctors and pay more for ObamaCare; we would call for more regulations, higher taxes, more national debt, and more government control of our lives; and we would tell our kids to gobble up the food on the First Lady’s school lunch menus.  We would...if our President were white.
          Beyond our borders we would be reassured that weakness and empty threats are the best foreign policy. We would not be disappointed by our failure to confront the Russians in Ukraine; we would heartily support the shrinking of our military; we would agree that we don’t need a strategy to combat Islamic terrorist ideology, because ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Boko Haram are not Islamic; and we would oppose sanctions on Iran, because we would be confident that the mullahs will not build a nuclear bomb as long as we keep talking nice to them. We would have no reason to fear for our security if the president were white.
          I’m so grateful to Jerry Gill for looking into my heart and making me see for the first time that what inspires my opposition to Barack Obama is my racist desire to crush him because of the color of his skin.  I am consumed with guilt and will seek absolution. But first, I must now go and find some ashes to pour on my head.

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