Saturday, August 8, 2015


    As an American I was appalled and disgusted by President Obama equating America-hating Iranian mullahs with Republicans just because they disagree with him. This was the most outrageously repugnant statement Obama has ever made. And he doubled-down on it the very next day! All Americans, Democrats as well as Republicans, should condemn such malicious divisiveness.
    When I listen to President Obama touting his Iran deal as the only alternative to war, I am reminded of a famous description of Communist sympathizers as people with a bottomless human capacity for self-deception. In Obama's case is it something worse?
    In caving in to all of Iran's demands, Obama has failed to discharge his primary duty as president, the defense of America against all enemies foreign and domestic. His agreement with Iran guarantees that America's foremost enemy will have a nuclear bomb. It further guarantees that Iran will acquire the missile technology to deliver it. With the lifting of sanctions, Iran will also have the funds to continue funding terrorism. In short, Obama has given Iran a license to eradicate Israel and to continue killing Americans. If treason is defined as giving aid and comfort to the enemy, then Obama, by definition, is a traitor.
    Dr. Ben Carson, who knows something about medicine, recently said that ObamaCare was the worst mistake this country has ever made. Dr. Carson was wrong. The worst mistake we've ever made was electing Barack Obama to the presidency.

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