Friday, August 7, 2015

No to Turbines

     My friend Marty Drees was absolutely correct in his recent letter about the negative impact of wind farms. Construction of wind farms in Perquimans County would be a big mistake. If there is any way to do it, the project should be stopped. 
     I remember seeing a forest of these windmills near Palm Springs, California. I thought they were ugly and a blot on an otherwise lovely landscape. I imagine that the 600-foot tall monsters to be built here will be even uglier. And noisier. And not very efficient in an area not noted for high winds. 
     And I'm wondering why we haven't heard from naturalists. Wind turbines are responsible for killing thousands of migrating birds every year. Who will get the job of picking up the carcasses of eagles, ospreys, and falcons at the foot of our turbines? Turkey buzzards? Not likely—they will be among the victims, too.

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