Monday, July 27, 2015


I'm wondering about the Supreme Court justices who enshrined Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. I'm wondering about the right these justices gave us to extinguish life. I'm wondering what they would say today about the carnage they ruled constitutional. I'm wondering what they would say today about Planned Parenthood selling body parts of murdered babies.

As Christie M. Flowers recently put it, "No amount of obfuscation about how this 'tissue' can help cure cancer or give sight to the blind changes the fact that Planned Parenthood engages in the most repulsive and hideous of practices: exploitation of a mutilated human body. All the editorials, written by skittish eugenicists, and all of the tap dancing done by self-rightous feminists will not hide that grisly fact."

We raged against Hitler, Stalin, and Mao when they exterminated millions. We condemned Pol Pot for his killing fields. But we have own butchers and our own killing fields. And they are an indictment of our society.

I quote Ms. Flowers once again: "If we do not speak out and stop this madness, we will lose our claim on humanity."`

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