Saturday, July 18, 2015


          A well-known substance really hit Planned Parenthood’s fan last week when the abortion mills’ national senior director of “medical services” was caught on tape bragging about how PP was getting real good at harvesting hearts, lungs, and livers from unborn babies.  You see, the objective is to crush heads and lower extremities in such a way as to increase the chance of success in getting intact body parts.
          We’re not talking about two-day old embryos here.  Fetal organs must come from fully formed babies, babies with pain-sensitive nervous systems, babies who move in the womb and suck their thumbs.  Little human beings full of life and potential.
          But there’s so much money to be made in the infanticide business.  Planned Parenthood performs about 40% of abortions in this country, killing something in the neighborhood of a million unborn babies every three years.  For its health services to pregnant women, PP gets a half-billion dollars a year from the government.  Yes, from our tax dollars.  And that’s just for the abortions and related “medical decisions.”  There’s more to be made from the scraps.
          Harvesting body parts for profit is illegal.  But Planned Parenthood gets away with trafficking fetal organs, because it says it only get reimbursed for costs associated with providing human tissue for research.  Right.  “Probably [only] between $30 and $100 per specimen,” according to the director.
          Profits aside, do the butchers at Planned Parenthood ever consider the possibility that what they do is immoral?  Do they ever feel any sense of shame or revulsion?  Are they even capable of it? 
          Hillary Clinton has the answer.  Back in May when the Republican Congress passed a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks of gestation, she protested. “Politicians should not interfere with personal medical decisions,” she said.  It’s all about “a woman’s constitutional right to privacy,” and “the bill puts women’s health and rights at risk.”  What about the health and rights of those babies whose little bodies are torn apart for medical research, Mrs. Clinton? 
          By the way, are you still a big defender of Planned Parenthood, Mrs. Clinton?  I can’t hear you, Mrs. Clinton.


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