Saturday, July 11, 2015

Liars, Liars, Liars

          There is a big difference between being wrong and being untruthful.  As readers of this newspaper know, I am not bashful about stating my views.  Sometimes they prompt a response from Nancy Theodore who invariably disagrees with me.  That’s fine.  She is entitled to her misguided opinion and distorted reality.  But I would never criticize her for being insincere or untruthful.  I cannot say the same for so many of our national figures on center stage.
          The best liar, the master of prevarication, is Slick Willie.  He is the most popular figure in the Democrat Party, a smooth talker who beguiles his audiences, especially women who forget that he is a perjurer and a serial sex abuser undone by a blue dress. 
          The most incorrigible liar is Hillary.  Her problem is that she is not very good at it.  Remember when she said she was named after Edmund Hillary, the man who climbed Mount Everest in 1953?  Hillary Rodham was born in 1947.  Remember when she said she made a 10,000 percent profit on cattle futures by reading the Wall Street Journal?  And who can forget her bald-faced lie about the infamous video, a lie she repeated to the families of the Benghazi victims as their caskets rolled past?  And now we have the implausible explanation about her missing, redacted, or erased emails.  No one buys her story, but she keeps regurgitating it.  The congenital liar can’t help herself.
           The most unabashed liar is Barack Obama.  How many times did he repeat “If you like your doctor…” ?  Even a five-year old knows he can’t get away with stuff like that.  With Obama ideology trumps truth.
          Speaking of Trump, when will we be rid of this impostor?  He has taken both sides of every issue, it seems.  Immigration, abortion, socialized medicine, the Clinton Foundation, capitalism, conservatism—Trump moves to opposite ends of these and other issues whenever it suits his monumental ego.  The problem is that too many people have short memories and just buy his latest claptrap. 
          Haven’t we had enough of Bill, Hillary, Barry, and The Donald to know the difference between self-serving lies and honest debate?  I’ll take Nancy Theodore anyday over these corrupt politicians and self-proclaimed messiahs.


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