Saturday, October 31, 2015


   While I was in Europe last month I was able to get only a smattering of news from home. When I saw a report of Hillary's testimony before the House committee investigating Benghazi, I had to conclude that she had done very well, that her appearance had been a triumph. But when I got back and had a chance to review her testimony, I came to the opposite conclusion: Hillary had been proven to be a liar on one point after another. How could that be a triumph in the eyes of anyone but her mainstream media accomplices?
    Marco Rubio's comment in last week's Denver debate was on point: the mainstream media is a giant Super Pac for the Democratic Party. His accusation was confirmed by the CNBC debate moderators' abysmal performance that clearly showed a deep bias against Republican candidates.
    I think the American public is finally getting wise to the liberal media. When one moderator pursued his insulting questioning of Ben Carson, the audience booed loudly. “They get it,” responded a smiling Carson. The Democratic shills in the mainstream media don't. They don't understand that fair-minded Americans are fed up with their bias, their elitist condescension, and their utter blindness to the people's distrust of Hillary Clinton. 
    The American people want truthfulness, honesty, and trustworthiness in their leaders. They also want fairness from their reporters and commentators. They aren't getting it.

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