Obama was in control when he took office, backed by Democrats in
Congress who rode his coattails to a majority in both houses. But
what has happened since then?
2008 Democrats have lost 12 governorships, 13 Senate seats, 69 House
seats, and more than 900 state legislative seats. Republicans now
control more than two thirds of state legislatures and 31
governorships. That last number will rise to 32 when Matt Bevin is
sworn in as the new governor of Kentucky. Why?
President Obama we have added $9 trillion to our national debt,
reduced workforce participation to its lowest level in 38 years,
opened the floodgates to illegal immigration, weakened our military,
and exacerbated deteriorating race relations. The President has
repeatedly violated our Constitution with unlawful executive orders,
forced an unworkable ObamaCare down our throats, and signed (without
Congressional approval) an agreement that guarantees the Middle East
hegemony of a nuclear-powered Iran. But there's more that will
ensure a Democratic debacle in 2016.
issue that is rising to the top of the list of voter concerns in this
election cycle is the alarming increase of drug abuse among our
children. Too many of our kids are getting hooked and even
overdosing on illegal and prescription drugs.
I've got news for you, Mr. President. Come next November we voters
will remember that you released from jail thousands of criminal
illegal aliens, many of them drug dealers; we will remember how you
would not support Kate's law and refused to enforce federal laws in
sanctuary cities; and we will remember how you are now is emptying
our prisons of drug pushers because you deem them “non-violent”
of listening to your sycophantic advisers, Mr. President, you should
listen to the American people.
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