Monday, November 23, 2015

Not Listening

    I despise Barack Obama for the damage he has done to this country. But it is not enough to call him an incompetent leader, a coward, or worse, a traitor. We have to try to assess the thinking process that has resulted in his failed foreign policy.
    First, we have to consider his belief that America is responsible for much of what is wrong in this world. This would explain why he cannot take a leadership role in engaging the enemy in the Middle East. His strategy is to degrade and contain, but not to defeat him.
    Second, we have to understand that his sympathies toward Islam prevent him from recognizing the real threat that ISIS and al Qaeda pose to western civilization. He has no problem letting Iran achieve hegemony in the Middle East nor in allowing potential terrorists to infiltrate the masses of Syrian migrants coming to our shores. He cannot conceive or admit the possibility of Islam not being uniformly a religion of peace. His love of Islam prevents him from even uttering the words “Radical Islamic Terrorists.”
    Third, we have to factor in the president's extreme narcissism, a character flaw that causes him take advice only from the man in the mirror and to truculently reject any criticism from the media or his political opponents. He would rather accuse Republicans of fearing widows and orphans than admit that they have a point in wanting to boost screening requirements of potential jihadists.

    An overwhelming majority of us Americans are telling the president that we don't feel safe and that we want him to hold to his oath of office to protect us. But he is not listening. President Obama needs to recognize that radical Islam, not climate change, is the greatest threat to western civilization.  

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