Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Damned Fool

    It's time for some plain speaking. The slaughter that took place in Paris yesterday has finally brought home to the whole world that Islam, as practiced by Muslim fanatics, is not a religion of peace. There are moderate Muslims both here and abroad who do not support a theocratic Islam bent on the destruction of Western civilization. But these moderates have proven powerless to reform their religion, to persuade extremists that the Koran's 7th century imprecations to kill the infidel must not be allowed to corrupt an otherwise peaceful religion in the 21st century.
    Similarly, there are Western leaders who do not understand the danger that theocratic Islam poses for our civilization. Europe is now being flooded by Muslim refugees fleeing the war in Syria. But these migrants, mostly young single men, are infiltrated by killers who want to convert Europe to Islam. Sweden, Germany, Denmark and other European countries are only now coming to realize the folly of their open-border policies. France long ago allowed hundreds of thousands of Muslims from North Africa to form Muslim enclaves in their cities. France is now paying the price for its embrace of people sworn to its destruction.

    What the Western world needs now more than ever is resolute leadership. But on the very day of the Paris massacre we have the President of the United States aver that ISIS continues to shrink. This Islamophile who cannot even speak the words “Islamic terrorists,” this leader whose failed foreign policy is largely responsible for the rise if ISIS, this narcissist who takes advice only from the person he sees in the mirror, is not the savior we seek. This emperor has no clothes. Once and for all he has proven to be nothing short of a damned fool.

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