Sunday, January 10, 2016

Contemptuous and Contemptible

   Three “c” words are popping up more and more these days: corruption, criminality, and contempt. And they are all connected.
   Corruption is pervasive in our government and our political system. As brilliantly spelled out in Peter Schweizer's book Throw Them All Out, politicians get rich off insider stock tips, land deals, and crony capitalism. Yet, these criminals hardly ever get prosecuted or get fitted for an orange jumpsuit.
    Bill and Hillary Clinton brazenly fill the coffers of their phony foundation with millions of dollars in quid pro quo bribes from domestic and foreign entities. Do Hillary's gullible supporters understand what she will do when these donors come calling on her after she becomes president?
    FBI Director James Comey, a stand-up guy, is expected to recommend an indictment of Hillary for her e-mail shenanigans, but does anyone expect Loretta Lynch to file one in an election year? While we're at it, will she prosecute lawbreakers in the IRS or the Veterans Administration? Will she put a stop to Obama's release of drug dealers from our jails or to the harboring of criminals in our sanctuary cities?
    What we're seeing in Washington is contempt: contempt for the law, contempt for the Constitution, contempt for the American people. The worst offender is President Obama himself. He changes health care laws without the authority to do so, he refuses to execute the law on illegal immigration, he tramples the Constitution with executive actions, and he treats himself like a king with family vacations and international travel costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.
    As if that weren't enough, Obama earns the contempt of friend and foe alike for his feckless and weak international policies. The contemptuous has become the contemptible.

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