Sunday, January 17, 2016


    I'm very worried about this year's presidential elections. On one side the leading candidate is a thoroughly dishonest and corrupt politician who would continue the disastrous policies of President Obama, while on the other side we have a bombastic egomaniac whose economic proposals would bankrupt this country even faster than the man he accuses of incompetence.
    Actually, I'm worried less about these two candidates than I am about the people who would vote for them. It is a sign of the times when so many Americans support candidates strictly on the basis of party affiliation, narrow self-interest, or frustration with the political system, while ignoring their character and their qualifications for office.
    This year's election will be the most consequential of my lifetime. The next president will most certainly have the greatest long-term impact on the future of this country. Will he or she take this country further on the road to socialism or restore a thriving capitalism based on the principles of freedom and individual responsibility? Will the new president choose liberal supreme court justices who see the Constitution as an outdated document that needs to be revised or conservative justices whose decisions will reflect the intent of the founders who wrote it? Will the United States continue to abdicate its position of leadership in the world or will it make the security of its citizens a priority in the face of Islamic terrorism?
   These are the questions that voters should consider when lending their support to a presidential candidate. If the polls are correct, voters will ignore the welfare of the country and elect the current front-runner who best reflects their selfish needs or their anger. Either way it spells disaster for our nation.

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