Friday, February 12, 2016

(A local writer by the name of Nancy Theodore wrote a nasty letter in response to my previous missive on Muslims and Sharia Law.  This is my reponse.)

   I normally don't respond to attacks by Nancy Theodore; I leave it to readers of her letters to judge her extreme views in support, for example, of federal regulations and the Obama administration's economic policies. But last week she wrote some things about me that were just plain wrong, if not deliberate lies. I prefer to think that she simply misread what I had written about American Muslims and Sharia Law.
    First of all, I never “stated categorically that all Muslims already here in the U.S. are not willing to accept American values and integrate peacefully and productively.”
    Second, I quoted statistics from the Center for Security Policy that reveal that 51% of Muslims in America would prefer to be governed by Sharia. That is obviously not “all” Muslims. Why would I contradict myself by quoting such a statistic?
    Third, I never “insinuat[ed] that Sharia Law has replaced secular law anywhere in the U.S.” What I did say was that there are underground Sharia courts in some Muslim communities. Such a court, for instance, is reported to be operating in a Dallas suburb. Better still, the Center for Security Policy Press has documented 27 cases in 23 different states where the courts have allowed the use of Sharia Law.
    Ms. Theodore has been a consistent defender of Muslims in America, and I grant that she is well informed on the subject. I would be more inclined to agree with her, however, if she acknowledged that radical Islamic extremism is a real threat in this country and is responsible for a growing number of terrorist atrocities committed in the name of Allah. And if she doesn't believe that there are terrorist cells in the U.S., she should check with the F.B.I.

    In the meantime I'll settle for Ms. Theodore re-reading my letter.

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