Saturday, March 19, 2016

Cuban Legacy

            For almost all of his presidency President Obama has endured a popularity rating below 50 percent.  That’s because most Americans are not fools or drooling sycophants.  They can see that our economy has not rebounded from the Great Recession, that the percentage of workers actively employed is still near record lows, that the cost of health care is going through the roof, that government regulations are killing business, that race relations are worse than ever. 

On the international front the president’s weakness has reduced America’s influence in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Western Pacific.  Our allies don’t trust us, and our enemies don’t fear us. 

So what’s left?  What can Obama do in his remaining time in office to insure a positive legacy?  Prosecute climate change deniers?  Release more criminal illegals?  Get another liberal on the Supreme Court?  Destroy ISIS?  Not likely.

Ah, but there’s still Cuba.  Let’s normalize relations with America’s sworn enemy. Let’s remove sanctions and open up trade.  Let’s send our tourists over there to spend money and boost their economy.  And, while we’re at it, let’s close Guantanamo and give it back to Fidel as a gesture of goodwill.

But let’s not mess up the deal by asking Cuba to have free elections, to return fugitives from justice, to stop putting dissidents in jail, to end cozy relations with Russia, China, and North Korea. 

No, let’s not do anything that would risk Obama’s sparkling legacy.

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