Friday, May 13, 2016

Absurd. Indeed

            There is a method of argumentation dating back to Greek philosophers called reduction ad absurdum. It seeks to deny the truth of an assertion by showing that it leads to an impossible conclusion. Without labelling it as such, it has been used in cartoons appearing in various media to demonstrate the absurdity of protests against North Carolina’s HB2 law. Typically, such a cartoon shows a huge, hairy man dressed in a tutu entering a girls’ locker room. Absurd? Of course it is. 

            A friend of mine asked, ”If notorious cross-dresser Dennis Rodman became the coach of a women’s basketball team, would the opponents of HB2 be right in insisting he be allowed to shower with his players?” Of course not. That’s absurd.

            And that’s just my point.  This whole controversy about HB2 is absurd. It’s absurd for entertainers like Ringo Starr to cancel a concert over it. It’s absurd for a company like Target to hurt its business over it (a boycott of its stores has started).  And it’s really an absurd overreach for our Attorney General to be equating this kerfuffel with African Americans’ struggle for civil rights in the 50s and 60s.

            It’s typical of the Left, the LGBT crowd, and the overly sensitive politically correct to scream BIGOT at every perceived hint of discrimination.  What they lack to go along with their sensitive nature is common sense. Common sense dictates that one’s sex is determined at birth and cannot be altered, short of a sex-change operation, by a desire to identify with another gender. There are ways of protecting transgenders from discrimination, but allowing them to use the bathroom of their choice is not one of them.

            I’m with Governor McCrory on this one. He is right to sue Loretta Lynch to keep her nose out of North Carolina’s business. But now the Obama administration has weighed in by directing public schools to permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity. What about transgender teachers? Should they be permitted to do the same? What would President Obama say if Sasha came home from school one day and told him that one of her male teachers was using her bathroom?  Absurd indeed.

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