Saturday, June 18, 2016

Our Government Is Armed Against Us

            Hypocrisy is an ugly word. Unfortunately, it has become characteristic of so many national leaders, it probably should be listed in the dictionary as a synonym for “politician.” Examples abound, but one in particular caught my attention this week.

            Thanks to a report released by, we now know that 67 federal agencies unaffiliated with the Defense Department spent $1.48 billion arming themselves between 2006 and 2014. Some of the details are stunning.

            For 2,316 of its agents, the IRS spent a yearly average of $5,000 each on guns, ammo, and military-style equipment. The IRS is scary enough. Why does it need an army?

            The VA spent $11.66 million on things like night vision goggles and body armor for 3,700 law-enforcement officers guarding VA medical centers. The VA not only is lousy at helping our vets, it is now treating them as potential criminals as well.

            The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service spent $4.77 million and the EPA $3.1 million on military-style equipment such as remote-control helicopters and waterproof thermal infrared scopes;  the Food and Drug Administration employs 183 heavily armed special agents; other agencies with armed agents include the Small Business Administration, the Social Security Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Energy Department, the Education Department, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Why?

            If I’m not mistaken, the 67 non-military federal agencies all fall under the purview of the Obama Administration, yes, the same Obama who blames all the ills of the world on insufficient gun control. I have one suggestion for President Obama, our Hypocrite-in-Chief: Remove the guns from your own house before trying to remove them from ours.   

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