Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Brits Get It

            The Brits who voted to get out of the European Union wanted out.  They did not agonize over the economic consequences of the split, they just wanted to regain control over their country. They were fed up with a government that had ceded its policy-making authority to unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels. Most specifically, they were angry with a government that had opened its doors to a Muslim invasion that had altered their society, their traditions, and their values.

            The majority of the world’s Muslims are peaceful. But Islam, as interpreted by fundamentalists, is not a religion of peace. Fundamentalists read in the Quran a clear injunction to rid the world of infidels. Followers of Mohammed conquered the Middle East and North Africa, and their armies would have conquered Europe had they not been stopped in Tours, Lepanto, and Vienna.  Realizing that armed invasion cannot achieve their goals, they developed a new dual strategy: infiltration and terror. Anyone can see that this strategy is working: send millions of faithful to populate the enemy’s cities; include radicals among them to recruit and train jihadist killers to terrorize the population; and rely on politically-correct cretins to welcome them.  

            We see what is happening in Germany, Sweden, and France, three countries with open-door policies. Only Britain has finally awakened to the mortal danger of the Islamic radicals in their midst.

            How is America facing this threat? In spite of 9/11, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, Boston, San Bernadino, and Orlando, we have a government that brands as Islamophobic all those who fear the immigration of unvetted Muslim migrants and the likely jihadists in their ranks. And we have a President with avowed Muslim sympathies who appeases Iran, the biggest supporter of terrorist groups, and who refuses to even utter the words “radical Islamic terrorism.”

            Is it any wonder that millions of Americans support Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslim immigrants? Is it any wonder that Americans are fed up with political correctness? Is it any wonder that favorability ratings of politicians in Congress are in the single digits? As unqualified as Trump is for the presidency, will American voters in November see him as the only way to follow the example of the Brits? Would that stop radical Islam’s strategy of infiltration and terror?

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