Saturday, August 27, 2016

Meet a Cynic

            Is it any wonder that we have become so cynical about our government and our system of justice? Every day, it seems, we get new information about Hillary Clinton’s unethical, even criminal behavior while she was Secretary of State. Yet, the President, the Attorney General, and the Director of the FBI will do nothing to derail her accession to high office. The mainstream media, meanwhile, is obsessed with Trump and utterly failing in its journalistic duty to investigate and report on the mounting evidence of Hillary’s malfeasance.

            Hillary Clinton has spent months defending her use of a private server and the destruction of emails, a felony for which she has not been charged. Last week we learned that the FBI uncovered 15,000 work-related emails that she failed to turn over to the State Department after she lied about having turned over everything. That alone should meet the definition of intent that FBI Director Comey said was needed to recommend indictment. But if that’s is not enough, there is clear evidence of why she did it: she needed to hide her influence peddling to enrich herself via the Clinton Foundation. Want direct access to the Secretary of State? Make a sizable donation to the Clinton Foundation.

            We now have the prospect of a thoroughly corrupt President of the United States “owned” by business and foreign entities who have donated millions to the Clinton Foundation, a president who is open to bribery and influence peddling, a president who will do anything to enrich herself, even if it means putting the security of her country at risk. If that is not enough to disqualify her, what is?

            And we’re not supposed to be cynical?

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