Monday, August 15, 2016

Never Pay Any More Income Tax

I don't have to pay income taxes any more, thanks to Hillary Clinton's brilliant move. Her tax returns for last year show she gave over a million dollars to charity. The charity? The Clinton Foundation. Talk about chutzpah! She actually took a tax deduction for giving herself a charitable contribution. The Clinton Foundation, a criminal racketeering enterprise, gives only 10% of its income to charity, while the rest goes to pay Bill's expenses and all his buddies who masquerade as employees. How clever!

So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to start my own foundation and donate all my income to it. I'll call it the Milot Foundation and put my wife in charge of  it--at a nice salary, of course. I may even designate the kids, grandkids and great grandkids as co-workers in the management of the foundation's business. I'll make sure the foundation gives 10% to my church, just to make it legit. Finally, when I make out my taxes next year, I'll take a full deduction for all my donations to the Milot Foundation. What a neat idea!

Think I'll get away with it?  The Clintons do.

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