Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hugs for Hillary

            The picture of Michele Obama embracing Hillary Clinton was plastered all over the media this past week. That one photo, I maintain, is emblematic of everything that’s wrong with the Democratic Party: the wife of the President of the United States—who actually detests Secretary Clinton—loweriing herself to embrace the most corrupt liar of any presidential candidate in the history of this country. Which begs the question, “What does it take to embarrass Democrats?”

            I might ask that question of Nancy Theodore who should be embarrassed by her letter to the editor on October 26 that was filled with distorted facts and glaring omissions to refute my negative observations on Barack Obama’s legacy. Ms. Theodore has always been consistent in her support of Obama’s disastrous Affordable Care Act, his budget-busting tax and spend policies, his extra-constitutional executive orders, his job-killing regulations, his sympathies for Muslims, and his treasonous Iran agreement. For all these failures she still blames Bush and the Republicans. We can search in vain through all her letters critical of me to find anything critical of Obama and the Democrats.

            After all the WikiLeak exposures of Clinton corruption, after Director Comey’s announcement that the FBI is reopening its investigation into Hillary’s emails, what more does Ms. Theodore need to be embarrassed by Democrats? If Hillary Clinton came to Hertford, would Ms.Theodore stand in line to give her a hug?

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