Saturday, October 22, 2016

Trump Blew It

            In the third debate Donald Trump had a chance to take down Hillary Clinton in front of 60 million viewers. But he blew it. He never brought up Hillary’s sordid, scandal-filled past (Cattlegate, White Water, Travelgate, missing Rose Law Firm records, Vince Foster suicide, etc.); he didn’t make the case for her complicity in the criminal racketeering of the Clinton Foundation, especially the treasonous uranium giveaway to the Russians; he didn’t expose her contempt for Catholics and evangelicals; and he didn’t rebut Hillary’s debate lies about the Heller decision and the claim that her advocacy for open borders was about energy. He didn’t even point to Hillary’s pathological mendacity by recalling her outrageous lie about the Benghazi video, a lie she repeated to the parents of the murdered Americans as their caskets were rolling by.

            Instead, Trump refocused the debate on himself by saying he might not support the winner of the presidential election. For days that’s all the media talked about, while giving Hillary a free pass on the corruption revealed by the WikiLeaks release of Clinton-camp emails.

            For the sake of this country Hillary Clinton must not become the next President of the United States. But I don’t see how Trump can defeat her when he is facing three powerful opponents simultaneously: the corrupt Clinton machine, the biased media, and his worst enemy, an uninformed, inarticulate, thin-skinned egomaniac by the name of Donald J. Trump.


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