Saturday, February 18, 2017

Trump Gold

            I had an interesting guest at my home this past week, a niece I hadn’t seen in over 15 years. She lives in California now and is defined by it. She loves California living, even as she bemoans the high taxes, the cost of housing, and the homeless who can’t afford either. Like so many of her neighbors, she loved Obama, voted for Hillary, and hates Trump. In her opinion, the President’s relations with Russia are treasonous, even though she can’t support her position with facts.

            Actually, her antipathy for Donald Trump dates back several years when she was working in New York and met with him in Trump Towers on two separate occasions. She told me how she had been repulsed by the opulence of his residence, to the point of even refusing to use the gold toilet in the powder room. A spunky young woman, she must have impressed Mr. Trump, because he offered her a job. She turned him down.

            Now we have retired Vice-Admiral Robert Harward refusing President Trump’s offer to replace the disgraced Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor. The reason for the turndown, according to the buzz on the street, is that he was told he couldn’t pick his own staff. That doesn’t sound like the Donald Trump who has insisted repeatedly that his picks for top jobs would have a great deal of independence in running their departments. Was the President being insincere when he made those assurances, or is someone else in his entourage calling the shots?

            I voted for Trump and I support most of his policies. But I worry that he is not showing strong leadership in resolving the impasse on taxes and health care, and I fear that his lack of experience in foreign affairs may not provide an effective response to North Korean, Russian, Chinese, and Iranian provocations.          

            Among President Trump’s best qualities is his ability to surround himself with great people. The events of the past week have begun to cast doubt on that ability. But there’s hope that they were nothing more than a hiccup.

            There’s also hope in California: my niece has announced she is moving to Nevada.



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