Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Party of Hate

            The behavior of Democrats and their leftist cohorts in the media is positively disgusting, if not outright unpatriotic.  It goes beyond hostility to President Trump and his administration.  The “Party of Love” has clearly morphed from the party of sore losers to the “Party of Hate.” Evidence is mounting.

            Since Donald Trump’s election to the presidency, Senate Democrats led by Chuck Schumer have done everything they can to prevent the president from confirming his cabinet picks.  Except for a few moderates like Senator Manchin of West Virginia, they have been unified in their opposition to every action taken and every proposal put forth by the Administration.  They vow not to cooperate with Congressional Republicans in reforming health care, taxes, and immigration.  “Resist” is now their battle cry, obstruction their weapon of choice.

            I have never been a big fan of the oafish and thin-skinned man now occupying the Oval Office, and I don’t agree with all his policies. But he is my president, and I support his efforts to improve our economy, our security, and our standing in the world. Constructive criticism is healthy, but the opposition has been obdurately uncompromising. Rather, it is bent on destroying the object of its hatred.

            How unfortunate it is that the Left now promotes unhinged attacks on the freedom of speech at town hall meetings and centers of independent thinking like Berkley. It is hard for me to accept that our First Amendment protects flag-burning amid posters accusing the president of being a sexist, a racist, and a homophobe, not to mention a Nazi, a Fascist, and a member of the KKK. We should not be surprised when young anarchists take their cue from members of Congress who baselessly call for the president’s impeachment or who debase their office by shamelessly referring to his Cabinet as scumbags.

            Democrats owe the office of the presidency a modicum of courtesy, if not for their own self-respect, at least for the people of this nation who value common decency.


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