Saturday, August 19, 2017

Barcelona Is Not Charlottesville

            Last Thursday a terrorist plowed his van into a crowded street in Barcelona, killing 13 and injuring over 100. CNN correspondent Jim Sciutto, in his in-depth report on the tragedy, suggested that the terrorist, who used a vehicle to kill innocent people, was a copycat of the madman who killed a young woman when he drove his car into protesters in Charlottesville a few days earlier. CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer concurred: “There will be questions about copycats….They used the same killing device, a vehicle.”

            I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read about this. How could any respectable journalist make such an absurd connection? How could Sciutto and Blitzer conveniently forget the massacres in Nice, Berlin, London, and many other cities in which terrorists have used vehicles to massacre bystanders? The connection between these atrocities and Barcelona is radical Islamic terrorism. The common denominator is ISIS, not white supremacists or neo-Nazis.

            What is evident—and outrageous—is that CNN has used a non-existent link between Charlottesville and Barcelona to promote its leftist agenda. It is nothing less than shameless propaganda. Let’s not forget that our mainstream media has beaten to death President Trump’s response to Charlottesville. The President deserved the criticism, but he doesn’t deserve the implied connection to Barcelona.

            If there are any copycats in this sordid business, they reside in a biased media that will do anything to damage the President. It is high time for all fair-minded people to echo Boston lawyer Joseph Welsh’s question of Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1954 Army-McCarthy hearings, “Have you no sense of decency?” Indeed, Messrs. Sciutto and Blitzer and your copycats in the media, “Have you no sense of decency?”

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