Saturday, August 5, 2017

Leakers and Publishers

            Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats held a press conference last week to announce that the Department of Justice is tripling its efforts to identify and prosecute leakers of classified and sensitive information. Stopping leakers, they said, was necessary to protect our national security and to tell the leakers, whatever their motivation ,to Stop It.

            Fine. Let’s throw those criminal leakers in jail. But I have a question: if leaking classified and sensitive information to the press is a criminal act, why wouldn’t printing that information not also constitute a criminal act? If a journalist prints leaked information that damages the security of the United States, why shouldn’t that journalist be as liable to criminal prosecution as the leaker?

            The answer, we assume, is that the journalist is protected by the Constitutional guarantee of the freedom of the press. Now, a journalist can be sued for libel if he intentionally publishes false information that he knows is false. But if what he publishes happens to be factual, irrespective of the damage its release might cause, he would be protected by the First Amendment. But should that amount to blanket immunity from prosecution?

            The Justice Department has always been reluctant to force journalists to reveal their sources. But Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein refused last week to rule out the possibility that journalists would be prosecuted for publishing information obtained through criminal leaks. This at least suggests that the Department of Justice is considering it.

            I think that leaks have become so numerous and so damaging to the nation’s security, that the Justice Department will be forced at some point to prosecute the publishers of the leaked information. If that happens, it would challenge the Supreme Court to reexamine the Constitution on the very meaning of Freedom of the Press.

            I think it’s time for that to happen.

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