Sunday, August 26, 2018

Bombs Away

            I feel like a soldier in a foxhole trying to take cover from all the bombs going off over my head. There are so many, I’m not sure I could list them all. But here are some of the big ones.

            President Trump has to be shell-shocked at this point from all the attacks aimed at him, not only from his customary adversaries in the mainstream media and Congress, but now from members of his own party and from former trusted associates like “flipping” attorney Michael Cohen and soon-to-testify accountant Alan Weisselberg. Even Jeff Sessions has thumbed his nose at the president, who would love nothing more than for his attorney general to pursue corruption in the FBI and Hillary’s collusion with Russia, both studiously ignored by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

            Meanwhile, Big Labor continues to make direct hits on Trump’s agenda. In May it gained a toe-hold in Boeing’s South Carolina operations by organizing machinists. Then, after unions got a sympathetic judge to side with union picketers in Ohio, the American Federation of Government Employees managed to get another sympathetic judge to overturn a section of a Trump executive order that would have made it easier to fire incompetent federal employees and cut down on government bureaucracy. Finally, earlier this month the AFL-CIO poured millions into a victorious campaign in Missouri to overturn that state’s right-to-work laws, the first state ever to do so.

            As for myself, I haven’t yet recovered from the effects of a mega-ton bomb dropped on the Catholic Church by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a former apostolic nuncio to the United States. His 11-page testimony accuses top church officials up and down the line, both in Rome and in the U.S., of covering up sexual abuses of and by seminarians and priests in Chile and Honduras and by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and others in this country. Worse, Vigano accuses Pope Francis of reversing sanctions imposed on McCarrick by Pope Benedict XVI. For this and for the pope’s role in the cover-up, Vigano calls on the pope to resign.

            Is “Bombs Away” to be this year’s universal call?

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