Saturday, August 11, 2018

Making a Friend Happy

            A friend of mine, an avid Trump supporter, gets upset whenever I criticize President Trump. I voted for Trump and have often praised him for his domestic policies on tax reform, deregulation, judicial appointments, energy, and the environment; I support his foreign policy on Israel, Iran, and military action in the Middle East; and, with some reservations, I approve his show of strength on North Korea, Russia, and now Turkey. His list of accomplishments is impressive and deserving of praise. But there is another side to the ledger. Regrettably, it threatens to undo the positive results of the president’s first term in office.

            President Trump’s policies on immigration (sanctuary cities, the wall, law enforcement, etc.) are sound, but implementation has been shaky and inconsistent and often thwarted by a leftist judiciary. His trade policies (TPP, Nafta, import tariffs) are a disaster; the trade war with China is at best a stalemate that will have long-lasting consequences both on the American economy and on foreign relations with our allies in the Pacific.

            Affecting all these policies is the president’s management style. His unfortunate method of communicating with tweets and ill-considered off-the-cuff remarks may energize his base, but it fuels the Trump-hating media, divides the nation, and gives Democrats visions of surfing a blue wave to congressional majorities in the fall elections.

            And then there’s the Mueller investigation. It has been a millstone around the president’s neck for more than a year, but he has not found an effective way of dealing with it. Calling the probe a witch hunt is not it. The best way for the president to pull the fangs from Mueller’s vampires is to declassify all documents relating to the anti-Trump intrigues in the FBI and the Justice Department and order Rod Rosenstein to turn them over to Congress. “Sunshine is the best disinfectant,” as the saying goes. Let the sun shine on the intrigue and the corruption in the Deep State. And have Mueller’s prosecutorial powers turn to a real Russian collusion scandal.

            Maybe that will make my Trump-supporting friend happy.

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