Monday, January 28, 2019

Disgust Anyone?

 I have rarely been so disgusted as I was when I saw a video of New York State legislators cheering wildly upon passage of the hideously misnamed Reproductive Health Act. The law codifies once and for all that in the process of human reproduction that begins at conception and concludes at birth, the unborn “thing” called a fetus has no rights whatsoever.

 Until the passage of this law, late-term abortions in New York were illegal. No longer. That “thing” in the mother’s womb can have its spinal cord snipped right up to the moment of birth, no penalty attached. That “thing” whose heart is beating, who can feel pain, who may be perfectly formed and ready in every way to meet life outside the womb, that “thing” is not a person and therefore has no rights. The only one who qualifies as a person with rights is the mother. She can decide to kill her unborn baby for any reason right up to its emergence from her womb. There are no longer any criminal penalties associated with abortion. In fact, if the abortion fails and the baby is born alive, it still has no rights: it can be allowed to die. To me, this is nothing less than infanticide, nothing less than the ultimate in moral depravity.

Is anyone disgusted by this? Certainly not Virginia's Democratic Governor Ralph  Northam who has publicly endorsed infanticide (he claims he was mischaracterized). Certainly not the Democrat party that has moved so far to the left that it no longer tolerates anyone who supports Right to Life within its ranks. Who can support a party that no longer believes in the rights enumerated in The Declaration of Independence: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, the first of these being Life. But the unborn and the just born, according to these Democrats, are not among those endowed with this right by our Creator.

 Anyone else disgusted?

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