Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The battle of ISMs

            As I see it, there are three major “ism” battles that divide us: 1. Nationalism vs. Globalism; 2. Capitalism vs. Socialism; and 3. Religionism vs. Secularism.

            The first is being fought on the world stage, with President Trump, right or wrong, our “America First” champion.

            The second Is being fought on the stage of American politics with candidates eyeing the 2020 elections lining up on the Democrat side. It should be won easily by capitalism: all we have to do is take countries like Japan, Germany, Switzerland, and South Korea where capitalism has created thriving economies and compare them to countries like Venezuela, North Korea, and Cuba where socialism has been a disastrous failure. And let’s not forget the biggest failure of all, the Soviet Union. Yet, socialism is growing in popularity among young people in this country because they don’t know any better, having been indoctrinated by leftists in academia and the media, and roused by abysmally ignorant radicals like Alexandria Octavio-Cortez.

            The first two may prove to be passing phases. At least I hope so. But the third is more troubling, because it is a battle for the soul of America. The left has long mocked evangelical Christians as zealots and middle Americans for clinging to their guns and religion. Now the left has taken the fight even further by accusing Christians, particularly Catholics, of bigotry.

            It was bad enough when Democrat senators Mazie Hirono of Hawaii and Kamala Harris of California savaged judicial nominee Brian Buescher for his membership in the Knights of Columbus. It got worse when the media reacted in lockstep to falsely accuse Catholic boys of mocking Native-Americans at the March for Life in Washington. What bothers me even more, though, is the vilification of Karen Spence, Vice-President Pence’s wife, for wanting to return to teaching art at a private academy that just happens to support the biblical view of marriage as between one man and one woman. CNN, the ACLU, the Washington Post, the Guardian, Politico, and others have all voiced objections that amount to calling Mrs. Pence a bigot.

            Has the moral fiber of this country degenerated to such a degree that holding deep religious beliefs is now to be considered prima facie evidence of bigotry? 

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