Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Absurdity of Ignorance and Prejudice

            There seems to be no limit to the absurdities of the left.

            The grossly misnamed Equality Act approved by the Democrat-controlled House would sanctify the LGBT ideology to the point where a male asserting he is a female would not be prevented from walking around naked in a girl’s locker room and peeking at girls taking showers. Absurd? It has already happened in a South San Francisco high school.

            The San Francisco (who else?) Board of Education is considering removing a mural from one of its schools because its depiction of slaves could traumatize students. Absurd? The main figure and subject of the mural is George Washington, the Father of Our Country.           

            Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh will not be leaching law at Harvard any longer. He withdrew after 800 graduates signed a letter of protest because of allegations of sexual misconduct, even though these were thoroughly refuted at his confirmation hearings. Kavanaugh was also scheduled to teach a course on the origins of U.S. Constitution at George Mason University. But students don’t want Judge Kavanaugh on their campus, either. Absurd? Kavanaugh’s course was to be taught on-line from England.

            Kate Smith’s popular rendition of “God Bless America,” a cherished tradition at sporting events, will no longer be aired at New York Yankees and Philadelphia Flyers games. Why? She recorded a song from a movie back in the 30s that included lyrics that some consider to be racially offensive. Kate Smith’s statue outside the Flyers arena is now draped in black and will be removed. Absurd? Kate Smith is a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She raised millions of dollars in support of our military in World War II. One of her broadcasts raised $1.4 billion in today’s dollars.

            There really is no limit to the lengths the left will go to demonstrate its ignorance and prejudice.

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