Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Haters of Santa Barbara

            On May 27th, the day the whole country was honoring the soldiers who gave their lives in defense of this country, we saw American flags proudly hoisted on flag poles, and displayed outside our homes, along the roadways, and in our cemeteries. Memorial Day was a day of reverence, a day that spoke of love of country. Yet, on this day I read of an incredible dishonor to our flag by a school in California and, by extension, to every man and woman who have ever fought under it.

            The Board of Trustees of Santa Barbara City College announced that the school would discontinue saying the Pledge of Allegiance in its classrooms. When questioned about the decision, the president of the Board said that it was because the flag was rooted in racism, white nationalism, and nativism. Think about that.

            When soldiers returned from the fighting in Vietnam, many were spat upon by war protesters. Little has changed since then among those who despise America, who denigrate the values that make this country great, who are consumed by hate, who spit on our flag. Sadly, many educators like the ones in Santa Barbara are teaching our children to become haters like themselves.

            We must be wary of those who would corrupt our children. If we allow the haters to poison the minds of the young and innocent, all will be lost. We already are seeing the signs: the toppling of statues, the removal of portraits of historic figures, the character assassinations of our Founding Fathers, and now the desecration of our flag. For over 200 years our soldiers have fought the enemy abroad. Now we must all become soldiers fighting the enemy within.

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