Monday, June 22, 2020

Madness n the Streets

            The proximate cause of the protests raging around the country was the gruesome video of George Floyd gasping for breath under the knee of Derek Chauvin.  But the cauldron of anarchy had been brewing for a long time.
            Black Lives Matter, the radical anti-police organization, was launched in 2012, but the cowardly, black-clad Antifa thugs responsible for the arson and destruction of property trace their ideological Marxist origins all the way back to the Soviet Union in 1921, with re-incarnations in 1932 Germany and Britain’s Anti-Fascist Action in 1985. Antifa’s long-term objective has always been to abolish capitalism in favor of a communist world order, and its methods have always been characterized by extreme violence. By goading authorities into action, they become ideal partners in Black Lives Matter’s crusade to abolish the police.
            The protesters in the streets, however, are not all black, and only a few resort to torching police cars and throwing bricks through windows. They are mostly in their 20s and 30s, many of them college graduates whose minds were shaped by the leftist educators who dominate university culture.
            Academia, then, carries much of the blame for what is tearing our country apart. So many of the youths now marching in our streets were never trained in the intellectual pursuit of the truth or about civic virtue. Instead, they were indoctrinated in the radical view of America as a capitalist and imperialist nation of racists, sexists, and homophobes with a history of oppressing people of color. It’s no wonder these protesters have bought the lies of Black Lives Matter and cannot see the destructive agenda of Antifa.
            A photograph I saw of a protester in Brooklyn says it all. The young, black woman is holding up a sign that says, “No Justice, No Peace, Abolish the Police.” Her open jacket reveals a T-shirt with the hammer and sickle communist symbol across the front. She is surrounded by young men and women—all white.
            Exactly how do protesters like these think that abolishing the police will result in justice and peace? Are they so ignorant of history that they would end the freedom and prosperity we enjoy and replace it with communism? Have they never been taught about the tens of millions killed by the likes of Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot?
            Sadly, these champions of “justice” are the same ones cheering as statues are being torn down in San Francisco, Boston, and Richmond. And not just of Confederate generals, but of historic American figures like Junipero Sierra and Francis Scott Key. And what did Miguel Cervantes ever bequeath to us that his statue deserved to be defaced? Christopher Columbus? Washington and Jefferson? Even Abraham Lincoln? What kind of justice demands that all of them must be found guilty of racist oppression and erased from our collective memories? What madness.

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