Monday, June 15, 2020

The Lies of Black Lives Matter

            The image of Derek Chauvin pressing his knee to George Floyd’s neck was horrific. But when the brutal act resulted in Floyd’s death, it became a gift from heaven for Black Lives Matter.
            The radical protest movement that adopted the slogan of Black Lives Matter was launched in 2012 after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman, although there was no evidence to show that Zimmerman acted in anything other than self-defense.
            The shooting of Michael Brown by a policeman in Missouri in 2014 led to cries of “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot.” The facts proved this to be a lie, but Black Lives Matter had found its true motivator: the killing of blacks by racist police. BLM organized protests in cities and university campuses around the country, even though BLM’s charge of systemic racism was not supported by data on police killings of blacks.
            In Staten Island later that year Eric Garner died after a police choke hold. The officer was accused of murder but was not prosecuted, and a new slogan was born: “I Can’t Breathe.” It would resonate once again in Minneapolis.       In the meantime, protests grew louder and more violent, In December 2014, two officers were assassinated in Brooklyn in a revenge killing for Eric Garner’s death.
            BLM led more protests when Freddie Gray died in police custody in 2016. It didn’t matter that the three officers involved were found not guilty; the movement had a new life. And protests grew more violent yet. Five officers were assassinated in Dallas, three more in Baton Rouge.
            Covid-19 took center stage in the news in 2020 until May 25, when the world saw an 8-minute video of George Floyd losing his life under the brutal knee of Derek Chauvin. And since then we have been witnesses to the worst violence and destruction in our country’s history in response.
            Lost among the impassioned eulogies for George Floyd was the hushed truth about what led to his death. One immense painting of Floyd shows him wearing the wings of an angel. But he was no angel. George Floyd had a history of criminal trespassing and theft with a firearm. He was jailed multiple times and sentenced to five years in prison for aggravated robbery. On the day he died, he was arrested for passing a counterfeit bill. Handcuffed and high on fentanyl and meth, he resisted arrest for three minutes before being forced to the ground by officers. None of this was on the 8-minute video that went viral.
            “No Justice, No Peace,” cried the mob. Derek Chauvin was arrested and charged with murder and will likely spend most of the rest of his life in prison. But that was not enough for Black Lives Matter. It now called for defunding the police.
            To ensure that its objectives were met, BLM intimidated politicians, academics, corporations, and Hollywood elites to bow abjectly in obeisance to BLM’s “truth.” Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Democrats donned African garb and knelt in submission. Even some cops prostrated themselves in admission of guilt. The mayor of Washington renamed a plaza for Black Lives Matter. Armed radicals created an autonomous zone in the heart of Seattle.
            The ultimate BLM lie is that America, from its very founding, is guilty of systemic racism. Statues of Confederate heroes must be pulled down. Military bases named after Confederate generals must be renamed. Even monuments to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson must not be spared. History must be re-written, and reparations paid.
            Are there bad cops and racists among us? Of course, there are. But that fact does not justify the radical movement to anarchy. And it doesn’t excuse the silence of leaders who should be challenging BLM’s lies. What is happening to my country?

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