Sunday, December 12, 2010


originally written in September, 2010

            According to one popular talk show host, a moderate is someone who lacks strong views and principles. On the other hand, if you do have strong views and principles, you are likely to be called an extremist. The Left, for instance, loves to brand anyone with strong conservative views as sexist, racist, or homophobe. Now we have a new label: Islamophobe.
            Guilty as charged. I am an Islamophobe. I fear Islam. I view with dread the ascendancy of Islam throughout the world. But I am also grateful that I am not alone, thanks to Imam Rauf.
            Imam Rauf has been posing as a peace-loving moderate Muslim eager to play lovey-dovey with non-Muslim Americans by building a mosque/community center near Ground Zero. However, the more we learn about Imam Rauf, the more we see that he is anything but a moderate. His refusal to condemn jihad, his suggestion that America was partly at fault for 9/11, his refusal to disclose his funding sources, his association with a notorious Truther, all of this and more has torn the mask off this fundamentalist. We now have come to see who Imam Rauf really is. His mosque project has nothing to do with peace and reconciliation: it is meant to be an in-your-face confirmation that 9/11 was a Muslim triumph.
            Unfortunately, we still have idiots like Mayor Bloomberg and liberal elites who preach a phony sermon of tolerance for those very people who blindly follow the dictates of the Koran, which commands its adherents to deceive and to kill the infidel. And we have a president who clearly sympathizes with the Muslim world, bows to its leaders, and sells them billions in modern weaponry, a president who seems oblivious to what is being preached in mosques and taught in Islamic schools right here in this country.
            In the name of religious tolerance we too easily forgive the events of 9/11 and Fort Hood. We also overlook the atrocities committed by Muslims throughout the ages in the  name of Allah. And we ignore the on-going genocide in the Sudan and the incessant call for Jewish extermination.
            Thanks to the likes of Imam Rauf, Americans are coming to realize that there are no moderate Muslims and that Islam is not a religion of peace. Islam is not to be embraced in the spirit of religious freedom.
            It is to be feared.

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