For all their professed
compassion for the poor, which is not a bad thing, it occurs to me that the raison d’ȇtre of liberals, the one thing
that motivates them at every turn, is the need to tell the rest of us how to
live our lives.
Think about it. Liberals tell us and our kids what’s good and
what’s not good to eat. Fiber in, trans
fats out; whole grains and veggies in, genetically modified foods out. How dare we serve pizza and french fries in
the school cafeteria!
Liberals wave the banner of political
correctness to control free speech, and cry racism, sexism, and discrimination
when anyone dares to criticize their favored groups. They want to ban guns, but will not address
the social ills that lead to gun violence.
They will not enforce immigration laws or support tort reform. They champion a woman’s right to choose,
while denying the unborn the right to life.
A federal government dominated by
liberals tells us we must burn ethanol with our gasoline and ditch our incandescent
light bulbs. It tells schools what to
teach and power plants what to burn. It
closes cigar bars, but pronounces that smoking weed is no worse than alcohol. It dictates the hours truckers may drive and
fines drivers not wearing seat belts. It
puts 1.6-gallon tanks in our toilets and, if it could, solar panels on every
roof. It prefers smelts and spotted owls
to people. And, of course, it tells us
what health insurance policies we can buy and what doctors we can visit.
ObamaCare is the ultimate proof
of the bankruptcy of liberal ideology. It
not only dictates the coverage we must have, it denies us the right to choose
not to have any at all. Under the sacred
mantra of ”equality,” it claims the
right to adjust the burden of health care through subsidies, while it illegally
exempts big business, unions, and Congress from specific provisions of the
law. And it promises to use taxpayer
funds to make insurance companies whole if the consequences of the ACA’s
catastrophic implementation should make their participation unprofitable.
Liberals excoriate the wealthy
and despise the successful. They burden
businesses with unnecessary rules and mountains of paperwork, while ignoring
their negative effect on job creation. They
justify confiscatory taxation to remedy income inequality, oblivious to the
damage this does to the economy. They
create new entitlements and welfare programs, because they believe that poverty
can be remedied by the redistribution of wealth.
Our nanny state tries to govern
every aspect of our existence with thousands upon thousands of pages of new
regulations every year. Transportation,
housing, energy, commerce, education, agriculture, health care, labor, homeland
security -- no part of our lives remains
untouched.....A czar for every department, a finger in every pie.
I do not impugn the sincerity or
integrity of liberals, and I think it’s fair to say that liberals may not
support every position I have ascribed to them here. But to the extent that they do, I simply
don’t agree with them. I find them
misguided and, worse, destructive of a free society.
We conservatives, on the other
hand, value freedom above all. We believe
that American ingenuity flourishing under a system of free enterprise, a system
free of government intrusion and coercion, can achieve great success, as it has
in the past. We believe that Individual
responsibility and self-reliance are superior to dependence on government and
the cult of victimization. And, while
we admit that capitalism has its flaws, we believe that it sure works better
than Socialism.
We Americans did not proclaim our
independence from an oppressive monarchy in 1776 only to be shackled by an even
more oppressive system of our own making.
We can fix this economy, we can create jobs, we can reduce the debt, we
can give people the opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty. If the government will just get out of the
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