Monday, July 27, 2015


I'm wondering about the Supreme Court justices who enshrined Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. I'm wondering about the right these justices gave us to extinguish life. I'm wondering what they would say today about the carnage they ruled constitutional. I'm wondering what they would say today about Planned Parenthood selling body parts of murdered babies.

As Christie M. Flowers recently put it, "No amount of obfuscation about how this 'tissue' can help cure cancer or give sight to the blind changes the fact that Planned Parenthood engages in the most repulsive and hideous of practices: exploitation of a mutilated human body. All the editorials, written by skittish eugenicists, and all of the tap dancing done by self-rightous feminists will not hide that grisly fact."

We raged against Hitler, Stalin, and Mao when they exterminated millions. We condemned Pol Pot for his killing fields. But we have own butchers and our own killing fields. And they are an indictment of our society.

I quote Ms. Flowers once again: "If we do not speak out and stop this madness, we will lose our claim on humanity."`

Saturday, July 18, 2015


          A well-known substance really hit Planned Parenthood’s fan last week when the abortion mills’ national senior director of “medical services” was caught on tape bragging about how PP was getting real good at harvesting hearts, lungs, and livers from unborn babies.  You see, the objective is to crush heads and lower extremities in such a way as to increase the chance of success in getting intact body parts.
          We’re not talking about two-day old embryos here.  Fetal organs must come from fully formed babies, babies with pain-sensitive nervous systems, babies who move in the womb and suck their thumbs.  Little human beings full of life and potential.
          But there’s so much money to be made in the infanticide business.  Planned Parenthood performs about 40% of abortions in this country, killing something in the neighborhood of a million unborn babies every three years.  For its health services to pregnant women, PP gets a half-billion dollars a year from the government.  Yes, from our tax dollars.  And that’s just for the abortions and related “medical decisions.”  There’s more to be made from the scraps.
          Harvesting body parts for profit is illegal.  But Planned Parenthood gets away with trafficking fetal organs, because it says it only get reimbursed for costs associated with providing human tissue for research.  Right.  “Probably [only] between $30 and $100 per specimen,” according to the director.
          Profits aside, do the butchers at Planned Parenthood ever consider the possibility that what they do is immoral?  Do they ever feel any sense of shame or revulsion?  Are they even capable of it? 
          Hillary Clinton has the answer.  Back in May when the Republican Congress passed a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks of gestation, she protested. “Politicians should not interfere with personal medical decisions,” she said.  It’s all about “a woman’s constitutional right to privacy,” and “the bill puts women’s health and rights at risk.”  What about the health and rights of those babies whose little bodies are torn apart for medical research, Mrs. Clinton? 
          By the way, are you still a big defender of Planned Parenthood, Mrs. Clinton?  I can’t hear you, Mrs. Clinton.


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Liars, Liars, Liars

          There is a big difference between being wrong and being untruthful.  As readers of this newspaper know, I am not bashful about stating my views.  Sometimes they prompt a response from Nancy Theodore who invariably disagrees with me.  That’s fine.  She is entitled to her misguided opinion and distorted reality.  But I would never criticize her for being insincere or untruthful.  I cannot say the same for so many of our national figures on center stage.
          The best liar, the master of prevarication, is Slick Willie.  He is the most popular figure in the Democrat Party, a smooth talker who beguiles his audiences, especially women who forget that he is a perjurer and a serial sex abuser undone by a blue dress. 
          The most incorrigible liar is Hillary.  Her problem is that she is not very good at it.  Remember when she said she was named after Edmund Hillary, the man who climbed Mount Everest in 1953?  Hillary Rodham was born in 1947.  Remember when she said she made a 10,000 percent profit on cattle futures by reading the Wall Street Journal?  And who can forget her bald-faced lie about the infamous video, a lie she repeated to the families of the Benghazi victims as their caskets rolled past?  And now we have the implausible explanation about her missing, redacted, or erased emails.  No one buys her story, but she keeps regurgitating it.  The congenital liar can’t help herself.
           The most unabashed liar is Barack Obama.  How many times did he repeat “If you like your doctor…” ?  Even a five-year old knows he can’t get away with stuff like that.  With Obama ideology trumps truth.
          Speaking of Trump, when will we be rid of this impostor?  He has taken both sides of every issue, it seems.  Immigration, abortion, socialized medicine, the Clinton Foundation, capitalism, conservatism—Trump moves to opposite ends of these and other issues whenever it suits his monumental ego.  The problem is that too many people have short memories and just buy his latest claptrap. 
          Haven’t we had enough of Bill, Hillary, Barry, and The Donald to know the difference between self-serving lies and honest debate?  I’ll take Nancy Theodore anyday over these corrupt politicians and self-proclaimed messiahs.


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Random Thoughts

          Independence Day is our greatest national holiday.  We annually celebrate with parades, fireworks, and all kinds of parties.  Hertford is no exception.  Yet a Marist poll shows that fewer than a third of young adults know that America declared its independence in 1776, and one in four people don’t know that the country we fought for our independence was Great Britain.  Only people over 60 scored well in the Marist poll.  What does that say about our younger generations? 

          When I see monuments defaced with “Black Lives Matter” graffiti, and when I read that the NAACP is calling for the toppling of statues of Confederate generals, I am reminded of ISIS’s barbaric smashing of antique artifacts in a Mosul museum.  Mindless destruction, whether practiced by Muslim extremists or people filled with hate, is an assault not just on history, but on civilization itself.

          What we’re seeing now in Greece may very well be a sign of things to come in this country.  Greece got itself into an intractable mess by overspending on social programs and refusing to take measures to bring its debt under control.  We are on the same path here in this country with an unsustainable national debt of $18 trillion and administration policies that threaten our economic security.  Greeks are already facing the prospects of food shortages and runaway inflation.  Is that our future?

          School-based clinics in 113 Seattle-area school districts now make it possible for middle and high school children to have IUDs implanted through Take Charge, a Washington State Medicaid program-- without their parents knowing about it.  Students who choose to be sexually active are eligible for a full array of “family planning services.”  Free and confidential.  Now that’s what we need to promote a healthy relationship between mothers and daughters.

          Sweet Cakes by Melissa was forced to close after being fined $135,000 for refusing on religious grounds to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding.  Now the Labor Commissioner for the state of Oregon has gone even further by imposing a gag order on the bakery’s owners.  So much for freedom of religion and freedom of speech.  If you don’t think that the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage will have far-reaching consequences, think again.