Friday, September 1, 2017

Hypocrisy Exposed

            The shameless hypocrisy of the Democrats and their sycophantic enablers in the media is catching up with them. The delicious irony is that the hypocrisy is being exposed by Antifa, a group that until just recently Democrats considered part of their loyal base.

            For weeks and months now, TV news programs have been showing us Antifa thugs smashing windows, starting fires, and clubbing people senseless. But as long as their targeted victims were conservative speakers at Berkeley or white supremacists in Charlottesville, the Democrats said nothing. The leftist media, true to form, celebrated these anarchists, as long as they targeted the neo-Nazi purveyors of racism.

            But something is happening on Main Street America. People have begun to realize that the violence used by Antifa to advance their radical agenda is by definition un-American. Americans are now asking themselves why Democrats and their media allies have not been condemning this violence, why it was all right for them to condemn the KKK and denounce President Trump at every turn, but not proper to denounce Antifa and its violent tactics.

            Suddenly, some Democrats realized that Antifa was handing their Republican opponents a tailor-made issue for exposing leftist hypocrisy. On Tuesday, August 29, Nancy Pelosi finally spoke up: “The violent actions of people calling themselves Antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation.” Wonderful. But where was she after Charlottesville? Or after February 1st, March 4th, April 15th and April 27th when masked and black-clad Antifa thugs attacked Trump supporters and prevented Conservatives from speaking?

            Like the Democrats in Congress, the elite media has down-played the violence. What it should have done is press the Democrats to disavow Antifa? Why didn’t it do that? Because it was too busy trashing President Trump and right-wing groups to condemn violence on the left.

            Americans are not stupid. They don’t like bias and hypocrisy, and they abhor violence. It’s about time the Trump bashers wake up and pay attention. Antifa is not going away unless we all take a stand and put an end to its thuggery.


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