Tuesday, September 26, 2017

On Kneeling

            The reverberations caused by President Trump’s tirade against football players kneeling during the National Anthem are not going to die down anytime soon. It is hard for anyone in this country not to be affected, whatever side they’re on. On a personal level, I find the actions of the protesting players to be disrespectful of our flag and the ideals it represents, including the freedom for them to make ignorant asses of themselves. Judging by the boos they continue to receive, I’m not alone.

            Two of my sons, retired naval officers, both served this country honorably for over 20 years. One of them who lives in Jacksonville was particularly incensed by the Jacksonville Jaguars’ behavior in London. Here is part of what he wrote to the president of the Jaguars:

            “The players and coaches who took a knee during the national anthem are not only a disgrace, their choice to do it on foreign soil takes it to another level. It is beyond inexcusable, indefensible and reprehensible. It is an insult to the men and women who are serving our nation today, and to those veterans who have served in the past…a selfish, disrespectful act and an absolute dishonor to the men and women who have shed their blood and given their lives to defend the freedom that we all enjoy as Americans…The Jacksonville Jaguars have insulted the mothers and fathers who have lost a son or daughter on the battlefield, insulted the widows who lost a spouse, insulted the children who are growing up without a father or mother who was killed in action. They have insulted not just their fans, but every patriotic American who believes that our flag and National Anthem stands for something.… I know I speak for my entire family, many of them now ex-Jaguar and ex-NFL fans. I know I speak for my brothers in arms who served alongside of me. I know I speak for the average American who believes that the flag stands for freedom and for who we are as a nation.”

            Hard feelings? You bet.

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